Hello everyone. In this article, I’m going to write about the initial way of dockerizing your beloved Cucumber-Capybara tests. docker
So why would you do it? docker
Well, the main reason is portability. With this approach people(or CI/CD build servers) who want to run these tests, you don’t need to install anything. It’s easy to maintain and acts as a base for improvement like parallelisation.
Here is the link for the project: https://github.com/testhive/Cucumber-Capybara-Template
What is this project?
The project is just a simple template for a cucumber based test suite. There are intentional failures in order to demo how it takes a screenshot.
* In order to enable screenshot taking you should include a runtime parameter in your cucumber command or in your run configuration, such as;
cucumber features –format HTML –out <your-file-name-here>.html
Functional features of the project
- Has a sample for a GUI test with capybara
- Has a sample for a service test
- Takes screenshots of the failures with GUI tests and puts them into the HTML report
(you can see the code in support/hooks.rb)
Let’s have a detailed look into our project structure;
Features folder: This is where our tests are. I’m not going to go into detail about this folder because a lot of people (including myself) have described it a number of times.
Dockerfile: It imports an official ruby 2.2.2 image, copies gemfile and gemfile.lock to builds project dependencies, installs XVFB, firefox and geckodriver, copies your features folder, copies cucumber-command.sh and executes it while creating a XVFB instance to run GUI tests on. Let’s go over this file line by line;
FROM ruby:2.2.2
We’re using the official ruby 2.2.2 image as a baseline. I’m sure the Lite and Alpine versions can be configured to run properly but for time limitations I went for the simplest (yet largest) solution.
RUN mkdir /app WORKDIR /app
We create a new workspace folder on the docker image for our feature files.
RUN gem update ADD Gemfile /app/Gemfile ADD Gemfile.lock /app/Gemfile.lock
Let’s update our stock gems, copy our Gemfile and Gemfile.lock into the image for our dependency management.
RUN bundle install RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --fix-missing iceweasel xvfb
In these two lines above, we make a bundle install to install our gem dependencies according to our Gemfile. In the second line, we install Firefox (iceweasel) and XVFB for our GUI tests. XVFB is a virtual frame buffer which will enable Firefox to be run as a GUI application. We can use headless browsers without XVFB, but that wouldn’t be the same as testing on a real browser.
ENV GECKODRIVER_VERSION v0.13.0 RUN mkdir -p /opt/geckodriver_folder RUN wget -O /tmp/geckodriver_linux64.tar.gz https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/$GECKODRIVER_VERSION/geckodriver-$GECKODRIVER_VERSION-linux64.tar.gz RUN tar xf /tmp/geckodriver_linux64.tar.gz -C /opt/geckodriver_folder RUN rm /tmp/geckodriver_linux64.tar.gz RUN chmod +x /opt/geckodriver_folder/geckodriver RUN ln -fs /opt/geckodriver_folder/geckodriver /usr/local/bin/geckodriver
OK so this section is all about downloading the Gecko driver for Firefox. We set an environment variable to use in versioning (there might be a better way to do this dynamically but still you would like to use a specific version to avoid not tested new driver versions), create a folder for the driver, download the compressed driver with wget (I tried curl before but had some problems), unzip it to the folder we created, delete the compressed file, make the executable, well executable and finally create a symbolic link in bin folder.
ADD features /app/features ADD cucumber-command.sh /app/cucumber-command.sh RUN chmod a+x /app/cucumber-command.sh
In these 3 commands, we simply copy our features folder (where our tests are) and the cucumber-command.sh (we’ll talk about it later) into our working directory, make cucumber-command executable and run it.
CMD xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0 1440x900x24" bash cucumber-command.sh
This is our final command that will launch an XVFB server with 1440×900 resolution and run cucumber-command on it.
Gemfile: In our Gemfile, we hold our ruby version for the project, the gem sources from where we’re going to install the gems and the gems themselves. Along with the Gemfile.lock file these two files determine our dependencies. In the lock file are the versions of the gems that we use. So the idea is to build and test the project locally while implementing your tests and then use the same setup in the docker image via adding these two files into it.
cucumber-command.sh: I used this shell script to hold the cucumber runner command itself. It’s a way that I used to de-couple the cucumber command and the dockerfile. You can modify it to specify
docker-test-run.sh: This shell script serves as a test runner for the project. Here is how this project runs;
In order to execute the tests, all you need to do is clone the project and run “docker-test.run.sh”. When you run the docker-test-run.sh it performs the following:
“docker build -t longlost/cukes-template .”
–> The docker image is built.
“docker run longlost/cukes-template”
–> The Image is run which includes executing the cucumber-command.sh
“docker cp `docker ps -l -q`:/app/docker-html-report.html docker-html-report.html”
–> The HTML report which is generated as a result of the test run is copied into the host system (your local).
So there you have it folks, this is my first attempt to dockerize a Cucumber Test. Please feel free to improve it :)
[fusion_tagline_box backgroundcolor=”” shadow=”no” shadowopacity=”0.7″ border=”1px” bordercolor=”” highlightposition=”top” content_alignment=”left” link=”” linktarget=”_blank” modal=”” button_size=”” button_shape=”” button_type=”” buttoncolor=”” button=”” title=”About ThoughtWorks and Test Hive” description=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″ class=”” id=””]ThoughtWorks is a software consultancy firm which carries on its operations in 12 countries with 34 offices and more than 3600 consultants since 1993. In software sector, ThoughtWorks is not only a follower and implementer, it produces and discovers new ways with its game changer consultants. Thus, it is located in a very important place in the market. It aslo pioneered foundation of many communities and it is also a sponsor of Test Hive group which undertakes the same mission in software testing domain. Test Hive, regularly organizes events in Istanbul and Manchester to help progress in software testing, shares articles and research papers, organizes trainings and provides environments to the test engineers for information sharing. www.testhive.org[/fusion_tagline_box]

Alper Mermer is graduated from Hacettepe University Computer Engineering Department. He is in software sector for more than 10 years and he has spent the last 8 years by working on software testing actively. He has experience in Finance, Telecommunications, Online Retail sectors. He is also founder and the organizer of Test Hive group. Alper is now working at ThoughtWorks Turkey Office as a Quality Enforcer.
Thanks a lot man. I was looking for something like this :)
Thanks for this tutorial,
But I found that your source code from github and the instruction in this tutorial do not match , what is this :
docker build -t longlost/cukes-template . ?
Hi Majid,
The code has been updated on github. Please refer to readme for changes in usage.
Great article, thank you