Hamcrest is a library of matchers, is an external add-on of the Junit Framework. How to add hamcrest methods into your project by IntelliJ as shown below.
For example, we are writing a JUnit test with hamcrest “Is” method. First, click “assertThat” and then press alt+Enter then click “Static Import Method…”
Then, select which library you want. I chose org.hamcrest
Then click “is” and press alt+enter and select “Static Import Method…”
Then, select “Is.is(org.hamcrest.core) method and import related hamcrest method.
You can import all Hamcrest methods in this way.
If you want to download all of the matchers into your project, you should add the source .jar files or you should add Hamcrest maven dependency.
Java sources and maven dependency descriptions can be found in this link https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.hamcrest/hamcrest-all and a sample maven dependency is shown below.
<dependency> <groupId>org.hamcrest</groupId> <artifactId>hamcrest-all</artifactId> <version>1.3</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>
In this tutorial, I will explain and show examples of core hamcrest methods. If you want to learn much more about hamcrest, you can find all detailed information in the Hamcrest documentation link http://hamcrest.org/
Matchers are used with the org.junit.Assert.assertThat() method. You can find their descriptions and examples in the below table.
Matcher | Description & Example |
AllOf | Calculates the logical conjunction of multiple matchers. Examined object must match ALL of the specified matcher. Example |
AnyOf | Calculates the logical disjunction of multiple matchers. Examined object matches ANY of the specified matchers. Example |
DescribedAs | Adds a description to a Matcher Example |
Is | Decorates another Matcher, retaining its behavior. In other words it checks given objects equality. Is method allows tests to be more meaningful/expressive. Example |
IsAnything | A matcher that always returns true. Example |
IsEqual | It checks given objects equality. Example |
IsInstanceOf | Tests whether the value is an instance of a class. Example |
IsNot<T> | Creates a matcher that wraps an existing matcher, but inverts the logic by which it will match. Example assertThat(“onur”, is(not(equalTo(“mike”)))); |
IsNull<T> | Checks whether value is null Example |
IsSame<T> | Creates a matcher that matches only when the examined object is the same instance as the specified target object. Example |
In the below code, you can find the usage of all matchers. I also tried to emphasize their descriptions with inline comments.
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; import org.hamcrest.core.IsSame; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; public class hamcrestTest { //is method checks two values are equal or not. //If they are equal it returns true! //Below test will pass! @Test public void isMatcherTest() { assertThat("Onur", is("Onur")); assertThat(34, is(34)); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //IsNot method checks two values are equal or not. //If they are not equal it returns true! //Below test will pass! @Test public void isnotMatcherTest() { assertThat("Onur", is(not("Mike"))); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //AllOf method creates a matcher that matches //if the examined object matches ALL of the specified matchers. //Below test will pass! @Test public void allOfMatcherTest() { assertThat("myValue", allOf(startsWith("my"), containsString("Val"))); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //AnyOf method creates a matcher that matches //if the examined object matches ANY of the specified matchers. //Below test will pass! @Test public void anyOfMatcherTest() { assertThat("myValue", anyOf(startsWith("your"), containsString("Val"))); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //describedAs method adds a description to a Matcher //Below test will pass! @Test public void describedAsMatcherTest() { assertThat("Sunday", describedAs("Sunday is not Saturday.", is(not("Saturday")))); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //IsAnything method is a matcher that always returns true. //Below test will pass! @Test public void isAnythingMatcherTest() { assertThat("Onur", is(anything("Bla Bla Bla"))); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //IsEqual method checks given objects equality. //Below test will pass! @Test public void isEqualMatcherTest() { assertThat("str", equalTo("str")); assertThat("str", is(equalTo("str"))); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //IsInstanceOf method creates a matcher that matches when the examined object is an instance of the specified type, //as determined by calling the Class.isInstance(Object) method on that type, passing the the examined object. //Below test will pass! InstanceTest myInstanceTest = new InstanceTest(); @Test public void isInstanceOfMatcherTest() { assertThat(myInstanceTest, instanceOf(InstanceTest.class)); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //IsNot method creates a matcher that wraps an existing matcher, but inverts the logic by which it will match. //Below test will pass! @Test public void isNotMatcherTest() { assertThat("onur", is(not(equalTo("mike")))); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //IsNull creates a matcher that matches if examined object is null. //Below test will pass! String myStr = null; String myStr2 = "Onur"; @Test public void isNullMatcherTest() { assertThat(myStr, is(nullValue())); assertThat(myStr2, is(notNullValue())); } //IsSame method creates a matcher that matches only when the //examined object is the same instance as the specified target object. //Below test will pass! @Test public void isSameMatcherTest() { String str1 = "Onur"; String str2 = "Onur"; assertThat(str1, IsSame.sameInstance(str2)); } } class InstanceTest { String str = "Hello World!\n"; public void print_1(String str) { System.out.println(str); } }
You can also check nice examples of hamcrest matchers in here: https://github.com/leveluplunch/levelup-java-examples/blob/master/src/test/java/com/levelup/java/hamcrest/CoreMatchers.java
- You learned how to use and the meanings of hamcrest matchers.
- You practiced with hamcrest matchers examples.

Onur Baskirt is a Software Engineering Leader with international experience in world-class companies. Now, he is a Software Engineering Lead at Emirates Airlines in Dubai.