Hello everybody, in this article we will learn how to convert a Postman collection to JMeter script.
As some of you might now, I was working for Saha Information Technologies in Turkey as Test Architect. During that time, we developed a JMeter based performance test execution platform called Loadium.
We had a lot of dreams about this platform. One of them was a feature which converts Postman collections into a JMeter script. When I left the company the company, they were working on that feature and after a few months, they released the first version.
You can reach the tool via https://loadium.com/postman-to-jmeter-converter/
All you need to do is to drag and drop your Postman collection version 2 file and download JMeter file. After a few usages, you will realize that the tool has some limitations. It can create the request on the right order with parametrization. But it cannot create global variables of Postman script into JMeter. I know that those features are on the way. But during that time, Loadium’s development team open source the tool so you can all contribute to the project.
Maybe you will implement new features or fix some bugs or maybe you will customize the tool for your internal usages. That’s up to you.
Just FORK the https://github.com/Loadium/postman2jmx and create your first pull request into the project.
Thank you
Happy Testing!

Canberk Akduygu is a Test Lead working in the Netherlands
This doenot workout.
You have to get in touch with Loadium team. I am sure they will help you. The last time we checked it was working fine for us. May be your file has a specific issue
This was helpful.
Welcome. :)
I have tried to clone the build the jar file. i am getting lots of errors. any idea ?
Is there a way for loadium to also convert the postman tests into the jmx file or only the requests?
I am currently not using it and I suggest contacting with Loadium team. https://loadium.com/contact-us